
Sunday, September 14, 2014

America's coal dilemma

Just like Clinton (who didn't sign the Kyoto protocol to cut down the CO2 emissions) Obama is now under pressure to wage war against coal. This dirtiest fossil fuel is the prime target for CO2 cutting pledges and while showing off their enthusiasm on TV, all American presidents (and administrations) feared of strong repercussions from coal industry. The famous example is Al Gore, who had the power to cut the emissions (and didn't), and yet came out to be a climate change champion (once he lost all his powers). Sincerity is hard to be found in politicians.

This time the issue is about the coal mine in Somerset Colorado, whether or not to extend the ban of producing coal into a permanent one. History will repeat once again and Obama will find himself in the same dilemma of the other presidents - not being brave enough to stop the coal industry. 

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