
Monday, July 28, 2014

Apple of things

It has been more than a year since I did the 'big' move to Apple from an all PC-Android world. I knew it had to be all-in or none as these platforms are not necessarily friendly to each other. So I switched, even the routers for my wireless connections both at home and office are now Apple.

I am very happy as my needs are very well addressed by Apple, in particular, reading, writing and presenting. My biggest worry was the PC only software such as Origin and it still is a problem even though parallels desktop works fine on a powerful retina macpro I am using. My solution is to ask my students do all the plotting. Don't blame me on this; I got this tip from one of the senior professors who works in California. He said grad students do a better job than PIs so let them do it. What a wise advice!

As for the next step I am looking forward to Apple dishwashers, self driving cars, blenders and nano bots that speak like Samantha in the movie Her. Oh yes Siri already exists. 

I'd like to start an unfounded rumor that Apple is secretly working on this humanoid robot who can take data and write papers.

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