
Monday, August 11, 2014

Positive thinking

I've benefitted a lot from inspirational books and suggest that you consider checking them out if you never came across one.  One powerful teaching is to do positive thinking, as much as you can. This also happens to be one of the fundamental concepts most preachers use. Let the dressings aside, the way you react to things or events will reveal your current attitude. If you are always complaining or whining about things or people, you may not have enough of the positive thinking going on in you. Of course we learn to not trust any strangers, which means we are born to trust everyone. Against our nature, we change (or forced to change) ourselves to be hateful, hypocritical beings. It is probably time to give others some credit for what they did good, and tolerate for some of their mistakes. Forgiveness is one of the pillars of positive thinking. Looking always to the bright side will make your world shiny and beautiful. And for those of you who think this is too cheesy, what on earth is worth more than your happiness (and peace of your mind)? Your career? Money? Nobel prize? Imagine this old man who always tried to get some more by bullying others and raging out of his ambitions. In the end, he will have a very distasteful life behind, with perhaps no one to remember him nicely when he is gone. The question, again, is it really worth it?

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